
Terms & Conditions and Waiver

Participants in the 2025 Z Manu World Champs (ZMWC) have the option of performing one or several Manu’s/bombs from a range of platform heights. All events will be overseen by a trained lifeguard. A trained medic will also be on-site.

Upon entering and/or participating, the participant acknowledges, understands and will adhere to all and any points listed below:

  1. I understand that I should not participate in this/these event(s) unless I have trained and prepared appropriately for them, my physical condition has been verified by a medical practitioner or I confidently believe that I am sufficiently fit and healthy to compete in this event and that I am able to tread water in a fatigued/anxious state for at least two (2) minutes.
  2. I acknowledge that performing a Manu/bomb involves the real risk of serious injury or even death from various causes including (but not limited to) landing in the water, equipment failure and/or accidents with other competitors, interaction with marine life, and collision with structures, or objects, around or in the water.
  3. By participating, I accept all risks necessarily flowing from my participation which could result in loss of life or permanent injury. Accordingly, I release all persons or corporations associated directly or indirectly with the conduct of the event from all claims, demands and proceedings arising out of my participation and I hereby indemnify them against all liability (including liability for their negligence and the negligence of others) for all injury, loss or damage arising out of or connected with my participation in this event. This release shall extend to and include Quantum Events Limited and their respective directors, sponsors, partners, managers, officers, agents, contractors, employees and volunteers including medical and paramedical personnel appointed for the event, the owners, licensees and occupiers of land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted, any statutory body or local authority having control over any land upon which the event or any part of it is conducted or which is involved directly or indirectly with the event in any manner whatsoever and promoters, sponsors and event organisers. This release and indemnity continue forever and binds my heirs, executors, personal representative, and assigns.
  4. I accept that it is my responsibility to contact the event organisers should they be made aware of any additional information concerning my health status or should my entry form need to be updated.
  5. I acknowledge that the event organisers will endeavour to provide a safe event environment, but I acknowledge and accept the jumping heights may vary due to tidal flows and ocean conditions (outdoor).
  6. I consent to receiving any medical treatment that the event organisers medical staff think is necessary during or after the event if, due to injury, I am unable to provide consent.
  7. I understand that safety precautions undertaken by organisers, such as event supervision and safety briefing(s), are a service to me but are not a guarantee of safety.
  8. I accept that I have an important responsibility to be present at all pre-event safety briefings, including information on the event website and pre-event communications, such as, but not limited to newsletters, and to immediately seek clarification from an event official on anything which is not entirely clear to me.
  9. I am fully responsible for the security of my personal possessions at the event.
  10. I agree to abide by all event rules and directions issued by the event organiser.
  11. I acknowledge that by reason of circumstances beyond the control of the event organisers, it may become necessary or desirable to change the format of the event, the jump height(s) or event locations, and if that occurs, I consent to the changes and I agree that each and every one of the conditions herein set out shall apply to that changed event.
  12. Due to the committed outgoing costs, if an event is cancelled due to any ‘act of God or nature’, strike, lockout, fire, flood, storm, explosion, revolution, riot, act of war, earthquake, landslide, (pan) epidemic, national day of mourning or any other act or event that is beyond our reasonable and foreseeable control, I understand that I will not be entitled to a refund or part refund of the entry paid.
  13. I understand should I have to withdraw from participating, in order to receive a refund, I need to inform the event organisers no less than ten (10) business days prior to event I entered. Should I withdraw within the ten (10) business days window, I forfeit my entry spot and will not receive a refund. Notification of withdrawal must be done in writing/by email to the contact address listed on the event website.
  14. I will enter the event and age division true to my age on the day of the final, 9 March 2024, and agree to pay the corresponding entry fee. I will declare the correct weight class corresponding with my weight on the day of entry. Should my weight fall outside the entered weight class on the day of the event, or final should I qualify, I will declare this prior to the event to the event organisers. Should I have entered the incorrect age division or weight class, and compete in such division or class, I understand my results will not be valid and will result in disqualification.
  15. In the case I have received any assistance to attend the final, in the form of fuel vouchers or in any other form, I agree that I am bound to return any voucher(s) or equivalent (value) to the event organiser should I not be able to attend or do not show.
  16. I grant permission to Quantum Events Ltd, and its partners/sponsors, agents or employees, to use photographs and/or video and audio taken of me.  These images may be used in educational, documentary, and commercial materials such as Public Service Announcements, Grant Applications, Video Documentaries, Commercial Television and both printed and online newsletters and newspapers.  Furthermore, I authorise the use of my image, likeness, and voice for all program promotion, materials, and any other purposes in connection with the program deemed appropriate and necessary by Quantum Events Ltd .I hereby agree to release, defend, and hold harmless Quantum Events, and its partners/sponsors, agents or employees, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or in part, whether on paper, via electronic media, or on websites, from any claim, damages, or liability arising from or related to the use of the photographs/video, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking, processing, reduction, or production of the finished product, its publication, or distribution.

    I have read this release, fully understanding the contents, meaning, and impact of this release.  I understand that I am free to address any specific questions regarding this release by submitting those questions in writing prior to entering, and I agree that my failure to do so will be interpreted as a free and knowledgeable acceptance of the terms of this release.

  17. I consent to Quantum Events Ltd providing my personal details to a professional photography company if they are contracted by Quantum Events Ltd to take professional photographs of participants at the event. The contracted company may contact me via email to alert me should photos from the event be available to purchase via their website.
  18. I agree to my name and contact details being included on the Quantum Events Ltd event and email database. Event-specific email communications and messages from event partners and/or sponsors will be sent to me. I can unsubscribe from this at any time.
  19. I hereby certify that I am 16 years of age or older. (See point 20 for younger competitors).
  20. If I am younger than 16 years of age, I will have these Terms and Conditions viewed and agreed upon by my legal guardian (through the online entry process), which will in effect give consent for me to compete in this event. Children under the age of 16 wanting to compete in this event should have a high level of ability in their event division. Parental guidance is required.
  21.  I understand that if I am registering one or more people over the age of 16 years on their behalf, that I have ensured they have each sighted, understood and agreed to these terms and conditions prior to doing so.
  22. I understand that any matter not covered in these Terms and Conditions will be decided at
    the sole discretion of the event organiser and will be final.
  23. I have read, understand and consent Quantum Events Limited to collect, hold, use and disclose my personal information in accordance with the privacy policy.